As you get older

As you get older, they say that your circle becomes smaller. I guess that is true. There were your closer friends who are now are not as close. There are some that still keeps in touch but barely hanging on. There are some who’s present when they need something from you. There are new relationships […]

“When I look in the mirror, I…

… get scared.” Well not because of my face. It is because of a Korean Horror Story where it is said that your reflection is actually a spirit in another dimension. That probably the one you are looking at is somebody else and not really you. See? IT.IS.CRAZY.SCARY! Another scary story involving mirrors is the […]


Inspired by the Daily Post. I am not sure if people don’t know these things already but let me list down the things I would prefer people to know about me so they can better understand my weirdness. But let me warn you, these are not necessarily interesting or helpful at all. But sharing is caring, […]

I wish for a Parallel Universe

Inspired by the Daily Post. The Daily Challenge: Pinpoint a moment in your past where you had to make a big decision. Write about that other alternate life that could have unfolded. Many of you know that the greatest issue in my life is my family’s move to Toronto from Manila. So almost, if not all […]

I am a Netizen

I am a Netizen. Netizens are the people who are actively involved online. Well, yes, most of the time I am online. So that makes me a Netizen. I belong to this modern world. There is no era I would rather be than here. Right now. In this modern era, relationships seem to be built […]

The Domestication of E

I have always wanted to originally create a how-to or self help blog, if you will. The reason behind is, I simply wanted not to only share my experiences but be able to help others from what I know. Its cause I thought that probably more than half of the people I know would benefit […]