Letting Go..

…is just another way to sayI’ll always love you so Yes that’s the Barry Manilow song. But I am using this line for Elon. Because yesterday he did a beginner trial for basketball kids. It was 6-7 in the evening and that was also Eden’s bedtime. I had to miss it (let go) although I […]

Ding dong

Ding dong says the bell as I cross the street to drop you off in school. It is the first real sign of the day that I am to part with you. Shakespeare said parting is such sweet sorrow but it’s mostly sorrow for me. Maybe because you’re just 4 and very sweet. My boy, […]

Happy trivial everydays

Happy birthday, my love. I have been writing down notes weeks ago for this blog post but nothing ever worked out except for this one I just wrote during the eve of your birthday. I am an ESFJ so below is purely my feelings. Here it goes. I admit it, I have put you aside […]

I love you Jesus!

I have always been a worrier. When I was younger, I would worry for days before the school announces the list of achievers. I had to be at least in the top 3 of my class. I would worry about getting A’s instead of B’s. I would push myself to compete with boys in PE […]

Elon is 5 months!

  Happy 5 months, Elon! Although taking care of you is sometimes challenging (not hard!), my love always outweighs it all.  When I sleep at night, I always remember to pray because I have to ask God to keep you away from SID. I also re-watch your videos from my phone and Snapchat. And I also […]

Elon is 3 months!

  Elon is 3 months  Elon has a longer playtime Elon sleeps longer at night and more frequent shorter span of time during the day Elon is 19lbs and 65 cm long  Elon smiles and coos a lot Elon loves bath time  Elon had reverse roll over Elon loves to sleep now in his crib […]

Elon, what do you mean? 

Having a newborn looks so easy. What can a half human being need that’s so hard to understand? Apparently, a LOT!! They cry, it might be pee. They cry, it might be poo. They cry, they might be hungry. They cry, it might be they want to cuddle. They cry, maybe they need to burp? […]

We’re Two, I mean Three!

How does it feel like to have a whole person inside you? Okay I am not talking about a monster or alien movie. I am talking about a real life person, with feelings, maybe some hair, yes to covered with skin and most probably looks much like you. The first time I confirmed that I […]